Raiser Sharp Consulting

Raising Leaders 

Your staff and your board members are critical to your success. We make sure    they are working to their highest and training, including the fundraising process – and how they can help drive it forward – as well as best practices for boards. We can also help you identify how to best build your board: what skills do they have, what skills do they need? Who is available and willing, and how do you recruit them? We work closely with you to develop your leadership team from the ground up.


Raising Exposure

In an increasingly wired world, supporters are deciding how they want to engage with you in accordance to their personal preferences. While email, direct mail and traditional websites will continue to play an important role in marketing, social media and integrated marketing is now the preferred means of communication for many people. By“fishing where the fish are,” nonprofit organizations can reach their audience through their preferred means of communication. Learning how to effectively integrate all of your marketing and social media tools will greatly enrich the management, support and advocacy of your organization.


Raising Funds

The dynamics of fundraising require a specialized approach for your organization. One size does not fit all. At Raiser Sharp Consulting, we always create the solution that fits your specific needs. Whether it be creating a fundraising strategy, evaluating a special event, writing a grant request, or all of the above, we  bring more than 35 years experience and a mature perspective to the table, and work closely with both you and your volunteers to ensure your success.

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